Bad timing: skypecast goes MIA

Skypecasts seemed an ideal tool to conduct and record discussions, use them on our website. Unfortunately, this week the service has announced it will be over on September 1. I'm not as upset as the many people who based a part of their livelyhood already on that service, but it is not a nice surprise.
So, the obvious question: what is a good alternative. I have been using Yahoo IM in the past for this, but killed it, because it was killing my computers because of the capacity it used. Any suggestions out there?
Anyone who has been shutdown by Skype should feel comfortable coming over to Paltalk.
Paltalk has 4 million unique users and scores of categories from which to choose to broadcast one's content.
Best of all, it's a free download, though there is a minimal annual fee to be able to see streaming video.
As way of disclosure, I am Paltalk's director of news and programming and I host a daily program on Paltalk called News Talk Online, at 5 PM New York time, in Paltalk Studio A in the Radio/TV Section. I'm hoping to see you on line and I and our entire online team stand ready to help you acclimate yourself to Paltalk's great features.
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