Dealing with cross cultural dilemma's

Wikipedia Today I was asked by a potential client to give a few possibilities from our stable of speakers who are able to discuss with US-based senior executives cross-cultural dilemma's for working in China. That was a tough pick, since we have a decent group of speakers who could do that job. In in the end I picked four and since this is a rather generic advise (I would not share with you our formal proposals of course), here is my pick:
1. Tom Doctoroff, CEO of Greater China, J. Walter Thompson. Tom has been setting up the most successful foreign advertisement agency in China and from his long-time experience he has great battle stories and thorough analytical insights to share.
2. Mark Schaub, author and lawyer, the first foreign lawyer to join a Chinese law firm, combining a great sense of humor with more than a decade of experience in getting foreign firms into China (and sometime out again).
3. Paul Denlinger. American-Chinese with a long-term experience in advising both Chinese and foreign companies (especially US firm) in dealing with the China market.
4. Shaun Rein, one of the most-quoted China-specialists in US-media, with a solid background in finance and investment banking, he has set up a leading consumer research company in China and one of our most-wanted speakers.
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