How is the financial crisis going to affect China?

Fons1 via FlickrThe stock markets worldwide continue their crash south and financial leaders gather in Washington to discuss further measure to stop the global financial crisis. But China has still been rather quiet, as if it is only marginally part of the economic downturn.
How correct is that, what is China noticing of the financial crisis and what does it mean for its economic position. In the coming weeks leading voices at the China Speakers Bureau will explain what is happening in their industries and what they expect is going to happen in the months to come with China's development.
Tomorrow, the first podcast will be with William Bao Bean, working as a VC in China and India. Has he now less money to spend on innovative ideas in China? Or is it business as usual? Tune in tomorrow for a talk with William Bao Bean of the Softbank China/India Holdings.
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