What's in it for the environment? - Charles McElwee

by Fons1 via FlickrWhile much of China's four trillion Renminbi rescue package is window dress, there is still a lot of new money available for the environment, hopes Charles McElwee on his weblog.
However, fully 25% of the total (US$146 billion) is reportedly earmarked for “environmental protection.” A significant amount will also be spent on energy production and energy infrastructure, but it is harder to quantify the total amount destined for these projects.While much of the package is still in limbo, McElwee does a good job in collecting the information that is around.
More at this weblog.
Trying to figure out what China's four trillion RMB (450 billion euro) rescue package actually means is hard. Do you need help? As one of the authoritative voices at our China Speakers Bureau.

by Fons1 via Flickr
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