Anti-Chinese feelings on the rise in the US - Richard Kuslan
A rising tide against China and imports from China, notes Richard Kuslan in the US, here in his weblog, triggered off by recalls of cars from China.
The animus towards China -- specifically imported products -- has never, in my lifetime, been as acute nor as widespread than it is today.Indeed, the comments on the article in the weblog of the New York Times are rather revealing.
This article and the popular comments below it show the depth of contrary feeling. Chinese products are blamed for being injurious to human health, cheaply made, made with slave labor, anti-American, etc., requiring strict import regulation or even the outright ban of Chinese imports.
How delicate are the relations between China and the US? A question that become more important now the US will enter a new era with the new president Barack Obama. Do you need leading voices on the Sino-US relations? Ask one of our speakers at the China Speakers Bureau.

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