Global China chat on consumer confidence

by Fons1 via FlickrThe year of the ox is going to be the year of the Chinese consumer, and their confidence in the future of their economy. As the export is seeking new lows every month, both the central government and China's companies look at domestic consumption - next to investments in infrastructure - as a possible solution to outspend the current downturn.
But is that strategy working? Early signals show that part of the urban white collar workers are reducing their expenditures, fearing the future. In some parts of China government policies seem to work and in national figures consumer spending seems to be on track. But can we trust those figures? In December 2008 China's consumers still seemed to be spending, but will the same also happen in February when sales typically stall after Chinese New Year?
In February the China Speakers Bureau is going to address some of those questions in a first Global China Chat with Shaun Rein of the China Market Research Group (CMR) in Shanghai, and one of the leading voices on China's consumers, moderated by Maria Korolov. CMR has been monitoring consumer confidence in China and Shaun Rein will answer some of your questions on how China's consumers are reacting and whether consumer spending will save it's economy.
The exact date will be published later, but we intend to take a time that will make it possible for most timezones to participate in this live online discussion. The most likely schedule:
Beijing: 11 -12 PM
Brussels: 4 - 5PM
New York: 9-10 AM
Los Angeles: 8-9 AM
Times might change depending on the interest we note from you.
Are you interested in participating or do you have already questions to ask Shaun Rein,

by Fons1 via Flickr When you pre-register we make sure that you will get a timely updates on the event and privileged access to get your questions answered. Do send us an email with "Global China Chat" in the subject line or register for our newsletter.

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