Most-sought speakers for February 2010

Both Kaiser Kuo and Shaun Rein have been swapping the top-2 position for a while with almost a similar score. But, while Kaiser Kuo keep a firm popularity, Shaun Rein has broken this month every record. There were weeks when he was quoted by mainstream media on a daily basis.
Fastest rising star in newcomer William Bao Bean, and also Victor Shih has reappeared. Shih has appeared as a leading doomsday sayer, predicting that China is heading for heavy financial weather. Not surprisingly, he is at odds with some of our other speakers, but for a good overview you can check our Speakers Corner.
Let switch to the top-10 list for January 2010.
Top-10 speakers for February 2010 (December 2009 in brackets)
- Shaun Rein (2)
- Kaiser Kuo (1)
- Jeremy Goldkorn (6)
- Tom Doctoroff (4)
- William Bao Bean (-)
- Arthur Kroeber (4)
- William Overholt (3)
- Paul French (8)
- Victor Shih (-)
- Rupert Hoogewerf (9)
Be advised that since a few week our book A Changing China
where a large number of our speakers describe how they have seen China change. When you are interested in organizing a conference with one or more of our speakers, we are happy to set you a complimentary copy.
Otherwise, we can advise the good services of Amazon.
Otherwise, we can advise the good services of Amazon.
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