Monday, May 17, 2010

China as a civil society - Tom Doctoroff

DoctoroffTom Doctoroff by Fantake via Flickr
In a serious effort to upset his readership at the Huffington Post, Tom Doctoroff explains what is going well in China and why the country is becoming civil, may it not be according to the rigid US standards. From transparent leadership changes to cleaner toilets:
He warns though:
In conclusion, Chinese civil society - i.e., existence of institutions to protect individual interests -- has made strides from the ruthlessness of previous eras. However, gains have been incremental rather than qualitative. Until central leadership fully embraces advancement individual interests as tantamount to efficiency, gains will not be fundamental
Tom Doctoroff is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your conference? Do get in touch.
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