The internet as the de facto publish sphere - Kaiser Kuo

The internet in China is only at the start of a profound change in China, he says:
I suspect that 2010 will see an even greater acceleration of a trend we’ve seen emerge over the last two or three years, and that is that the Internet — already the de facto public sphere of Chinese life — will become an even greater consideration for decision makers at all level of authority in China. I believe they will, on the one hand, take the temperature of public opinion online with increasing frequency and, on the other, seek ways to contain the voice of the netizenry and prevent it from overwhelming institutions, as it now threatens to. I expect that at some level we’ll also see efforts to move beyond the ad hoc response to Internet public opinion that we’ve seen in recent years to a more systematic, quasi-institutional approach.More, including also our Shaun Rein, in the Jing Daily.
Both Kaiser Kuo and Shaun Rein are speakers at the China Speakers Bureau. When you need them at your conference, do get in touch.
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